New members can join a local chapter or become a Member at Large. Local chapters host meetings, social events, fashion shows, online meetings, and more and often host … Join now
Join Today
ASG is made up of Chapters, Neighborhood Groups, and Members at Large. We offer something for every level of sewing experience both in-person and virtual meetings, classes and events on a local and national level.
Member Benefits
Local meetings, video library, weekly Notions email, new weekly articles, shopping discounts, online classes, University of Fashion discount, annual conference, and sew much more!
Sewing Education
We offer numerous opportunities to expand your sewing education, from seminars at the annual conference to live online classes, videos on demand, and local events.
ASG Chapters
Local ASG chapters offer regular meetings, host social events, offer educational classes and workshop. Many also perform sewing related service projects for their community.
ASG Conference
ASG sponsors an in-person and a virtual conference. Both feature classes and vendors, while the annual conference also includes workshops, social events, tours, and more.
Membership Benefits
ASG is made up of Chapters, Neighborhood Groups and Members at Large (virtual members). Benefits to members include: Unlimited access to a library of over 150 online … See the benefits
Chapter Locator
We have chapters across the country. Search here for a chapter near you. If you don't find one, consider starting a chapter in your area. Not interested in being part of … Find a chapter
Annual Conference
Our Virtual Conference options give sewing enthusiasts an opportunity to learn from the comfort of their own home. If you love sewing, you'll love the creativity, ideas, … Learn more
Letter Perfect Gifts
Many sewing machines have built-in alphabets, and some have multiple style and font options. We’re not necessarily talking about high-end embroidery machines, but mid-line machines without the embroidery function. Check your instruction manual for options on your machine and you’ll be able to personalize some holiday gifts with thread. While we can’t tell you exactly […]
Couching is the method of embroidery used to attach a thread or group of threads to fabric when they are too thick, too highly textured or too fragile to be stitched through the fabric. A second thread, normally finer, is used to stitch over the couched thread, thus anchoring it to the fabric. The name comes […]
Press Perfect
Even if your stitching is perfect and the fit divine, pressing is a step that can make the difference in whether a garment looks ho-hum or professionally finished. Proper pressing helps to set seams without puckers, create clean folds, remove wrinkles and construction imprints or ridges, and assure there are no shine or iron marks […]